How Freelo helps Legitas straighten out twisted paragraphs

Adéla Pechová asks on behalf of Freelo
For Legitas, questions are answered by Petra Stupková,
one of the founders and a lawyer

Legitas proves that lawyers can work in a manner appropriate to the current century and year. Although the law imposes specific requirements on their communication, they confirm that where there is a will, there is a way to technological progress. Their goal is the most efficient service for their clients, so every minute counts. Attorney Petra Stupková showed exactly how Freelo helps with work communication and with measuring the time spent on individual tasks.

When she and Pavla Vybíralová founded the law firm, they managed projects on their knees using pencil and paper. Now they are reluctant to call „"work organization" at all. Fortunately, they say, they had good people around them who quickly led them out of the project management mistake by e-mail.

„At Shopcamp, Karel Dytrych and Honza Kulda convinced me that three people in a team are enough motivation to manage projects elsewhere than on paper. And then my sister Veronika Dostálová from Ecomail took me to a training that Karel organized about Freelo.“

Petra Stupková – one of the founders and a lawyer

That's how Petra describes how she realized that well-set processes are the foundation without which she can't even make enough for salt water.

Before the choice fell on Freelo, a thorough search was carried out

However, they were not lured to Freelo without careful consideration and first checked whether the neighbour's grass was greener. They tried a number of local and international tools, both universal and lawyer-oriented. They also compared experiences with other attorneys who, by the nature of their work, have similar requirements. But it's now clear that in the end, they really anchored in Freelo, which is currently the best possible solution for them.

„Asana was too complex for us, Monday requires a lot of work at the beginning, we didn't know how to work intuitively in Evol and it didn't support G Suite, which we are used to working in. Again, notifications didn't work in the custom tool for lawyers, so I wouldn't know a task was done until I actively looked at it. And then I'd go back to pencil and paper. So we discovered that the neighbors' grass, while partially green, was also glowing with a lot of other colors that made them forget about the base.“

Petra Stupková – one of the founders and a lawyer

Freelo appreciated the fact that it is very easy to navigate, create tasks and can be nicely connected with some other applications (e.g. Gmail, Fakturoid or Raynet).

They perceive as a disadvantage that Freelo cannot natively determine the difference between the price at which they bought the hour from the lawyer and the price at which they sold it to the client. There are workarounds, but they find it cumbersome and an unnecessary administrative task that they would have to reflect in the hourly rate.

⏳ Feature is in preparation

At Freelo, we know that this is an important feature for all companies that bill professional services on an hourly basis, so it's high on the roadmap. We are currently preparing the brief and will be releasing an implementation time estimate soon.

The introduction of Freela was well thought out, and as a result, smooth

Initially, the executives got used to Freelo by using it for about a year. Then the rest of the team joined in.

„I feel like scrolling Freelo to the whole team has become „itself“. Freelo is intuitive, newbies usually get oriented within a day. The team likes Freelo.“

However, they continue to work on the processes. There is still room for tweaking and improvement, making templates, standardizing processes, working better with the calendar. The great Renáta Novotná, who comes to them regularly, helps them with this.

„It's probably quite a misconception that you're going to introduce Freelo and it'll be done at some point. Freelo is about having to live it in the company.“

Petra Stupková – one of the founders and a lawyer

Time tracking as alpha and omega

As attorneys, they primarily sell their time. They track hours both for internal evaluation and for overall work efficiency.

„Tracking time is our livelihood.“

Petra Stupková – one of the founders and a lawyer
An example of who (names blurred) spent how much time working on the task. Source.

For team members, they compare their actual reported time to the time billed to the client. Freelo alone was not enough for them to do this. But with the API and integration to Make' s no-code platform, they completed their own solution. They pull the data into Google Sheet, where they work with it. They then pull the results into Invoroid, connected to Gmail, through which they then send invoices.

With the reports, they can easily find out, for example, how many hours and money they billed for employment law tasks in September. Source.

A normal day with Freelo

The entire task assignment is in Freelo so that another person can work on the task if needed. Together with the assignment , they determine the person responsible for the project, the so-called leader, and also the deadline, or at least an estimate of it. The project leader is then responsible for subtask allocation, organization and monitoring the deadline.

„We work with Freelo practically all the time. Starting with handing over the assignment, determining the responsible person and the deadline, through ongoing communication within the task to its completion and handing over the work to the client.“

Petra Stupková – one of the founders and a lawyer
All processing of the task is done directly in the discussion. Source.

In addition to Freela, Legitas uses G Suite tools, so the ability to connect was important to them. They also work with Figma, Slack and, as you would expect with lawyers, also with Datovka. They always try to accommodate clients, especially from young technology companies, and communicate through the platform they are used to. Although, due to the legal obligation of a complete file, they often end up using email. In addition to Freela, Legitas uses G Suite tools, so the ability to connect was important to them. They also work with Figma, Slack and, as you would expect with lawyers, a data room. They always try to accommodate clients, especially from young technology companies, and communicate through the platform they are used to. Although, due to the legal obligation of a complete file, they often end up using email.

They divide projects by clients and by contracts. They also have projects for operations, marketing, office running, etc. Source.

Most popular features:

In less than 5 years at Legitas, they have created

175 projects
9 780 tasks
40 750 comments
16 125 work reports

Most appreciate the current and historical overview, reporting and that things don't fit

A current and historical overview for individual clients and contracts, which is also traceable if necessary - this is a huge advantage for them both in terms of inspiration from previous projects and if something needs to be addressed retrospectively. They can then read from related communications what was specifically addressed and, for example, why certain things were done differently.

„We also need to be able to evaluate bonuses and team members' efficiency retrospectively. And for Biz Dev, it's essential to know which clients are paying us for what and how much they're spending with us.“

Petra Stupková – one of the founders and a lawyer

Another advantage is comprehensive reporting, which helps them both with internal evaluation and in setting prices for clients and ensuring maximum efficiency.

Thanks to the dashboard, they have eliminated (or at least minimized) the risk that some projects will get lost in translation and nothing will fit.

Rules that have proven themselves at Legitas:

  • The task is solved by the one who has it on his head, labeling someone is not enough.
  • The date is a deadline for the client, in subtasks this needs to be taken into account.
  • The task is marked as complete by the person who entered it.
  • Each task has a solver and a date.
  • The time is reported on the task and you need to describe in detail what you are doing (otherwise the client will not pay for it).
Field Legal services
Team Law Firm
Team size 15
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