Project Management

Project Management

What's the trick to successful projects? 👉 Perfect project management. We put our heads together with project management pros and a concentration of the most important subjects was created. Learn how to become a better team leader in a nutshell. Let us show you the ropes with a bit of theory, and a lot of practical advice.

Freelo Business Wiki Project Management

What Is Project Management and How It Can Help Increase Your Team’s Effectiveness

Less than half of companies consider the implementation of project management important. All the while, the statistics speak clearly:
  • 67% – On average, this is how many more projects fail for companies that undervalue project management.
  • 11% – This is how many resources companies waste on unnecessary processes associated with poorly implemented project management.
  • 37% – This is how many project failures are caused by poorly defined project goals.

The Most Common Mistakes in Project Management and How to Avoid Them

People always learn from their mistakes. But you don’t have to – not when it comes to project management. We have compiled the most common mistakes that often cause entire projects to shipwreck. As it happens, on average, 21% of projects that don’t have well-established project processes fail. And you don't want to be part of that statistic… 🙅🏻‍♂️

10 Tips on How to Effectively Manage a Project in 2024 + Practical Checklist

As many as 70% of projects do not get done on time, the budget is suddenly swallowed up or the result is not what was originally expected. It is a lot of wasted energy, time, and money. Project management isn't rocket science. Just stick to certain simple principles and instill a few important rules in your team. That is what this article and the bonus checklist at the end will help you with.

What Is the Project Management Triangle and How to Use It in Practice

Projects don't always go according to plan. Every project manager knows this. Furthermore, projects are never finished cheaply, well, and quickly simultaneously. Sometimes you go over the budget, other times you need to add more functions, or you do not meet the deadline. Then you need to come to a compromise and get your priorities straight. How? With the help of the Project Management Triangle! Want something done faster? Then you either need to pay extra or reel in the scope of the project.

How to Assemble a Dream Team

Building a successful team is more than just finding a group of people with the right mix of expertise. Should team members be friends after work? Or should you have a team of only educated people or all extroverts? No, no and no. Let's find out what the trick is for the most successful project teams and managers - maybe even with some practical tips from a corporate coach.

10 Golden Rules for Every Boss: How to Delegate Work and Save Money and Time with a Project Management Tool

Did you know that properly managed projects are 2.5 times more likely to succeed? But how does one practically run such a project? 👉 We did a survey among the bosses of smaller and larger companies to find out what 10 problems they struggle with the most on a daily basis and how they solve them using a project management tool like Freelo, Asana or Trello.