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Welcome on board of Freelo!
We are Freelo Bay s.r.o., CIN 074 46 144. We would like to thank you for giving us your Email address for receiving the news from our world.
Your Email address will be safe with us! It will be put into our database for the next 2 years, unless you want to prolong the period. Of course, you can always unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter – either by the button in the mail, or by contacting us on this address:, or this phone number: +420 776 133 789.
For more information (for example, about our data processors or your personal data rights) click here.
Minden új felhasználónak 14 nap Freelo mindenféle korlátozás nélkül.
Ezt követően minden gond nélkül folytathatja az Ingyenes csomagot.
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